Monday, July 13, 2009

Film Renaissance

I don't know if it is a desire to be different, or if there is just something magical about film, but I have been shooting a lot of it lately. Maybe it is because you don't get to see your shot right after you take it. Or maybe it is because you actually have a negative to show for all your work. I don't know, but I haven't picked up my 50D in a while now. My father gave me a Kowa/Six. The Kowa is a medium format camera made back in the 60s that doesn't have film backs, but loads like a traditional film camera. It came equipped with an 85mm lens (50mm equivalent on a 35mm camera). Because it has been out of production for awhile, the lenses are hard to come by. I would love something a bit more wide angle and maybe something in a portrait range, but right now I only have the 85. I started with a roll of Ilford Delta 100. I had some folks tell me that it didn't have traditional Black and White textures and tones, but I had already bought it, so I shot away. This first shot is one I actually snapped while stuck in traffic in Atlanta. Yeah, I know it is difficult to believe, but Atlanta has some horrendous traffic.

This shot I took on the way to work. I live in an area that is a mix of rural and sub-divisions. This size of shot really doesn't do the sceen justice.
It turns out that I love the Ilford and will be buying more of it soon!!!!

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