Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another Visit to High Falls

Yesterday was my last official day of vacation. No, I don't work on Sunday, but because I need to go back to work tomorrow, it is very hard to completely relax. I told my wife that I would like to go take some pictures, and she readily agreed that it was a good thing to do. There are a few places that I go to on a regular basis and one of them is High Falls, GA. It is a beautiful and picturesque place that I can't seem to get enough of.

This is a panorama stitched together of four different exposures. If the lighting looks a little of, I committed the most common mistake when shooting for panoramas, I let the camera set the exposure. These are the main falls, but there are more!

This is a wide angle shot of the falls. I took this with my Tamron 11-18. Here is something interesting. To achieve the "cotton candy" look of the falls, I used three neutral density filters stacked using the Cokin P system. The Tamron is so wide, the P system holder created major league vignetting on this shot. So, I cropped it!

This is a shot of one of the "mini" falls, as I like to call it. During the spring, this shot would not be possible because of the amount of water coming down the falls. However, in the summer, there are plenty of these little gems to see and shoot. This shot also taught me something about my camera. The Canon 50D internal metering system doesn't like the stacked neutral density filters and most of my shots came out under exposed. Luckily, I shoot RAW and was able to recover most of them. Next time I will use my light meter and then compensate for the filters.

I really like this shot. It is heavily processed as there is a telephone pole that somehow ended up laying in the middle of the falls. So, I had to clone it out.

I will go back to High Falls again, and hopefully I will have as much fun as I did yesterday.

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