Friday, November 13, 2009

Working for the Weekend

Gotta love a "Loverboy" reference.

The title should have been, "Time to work on the weekend".

Here is the deal. I spend most of my time during the week either driving, working or sleeping. My personal time at home adds up to about an hour and a half, of which, 30 minutes of that is eating dinner. I keep telling myself to get things done during the week, but after 90 minutes of fighting Atlanta traffic, I'm just not up for it. So, what does that mean for me? It means that I get to do all the stuff most normal humans do during the week on my weekend. That includes laundry, cleaning the house, maintaining the exterior, projects etcetra. That, along with trying to reconnect with my family leaves precious little time to do anything on a personal level.

Well, work is starting, so I will see ya tomorrow....

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